The Flash is bringing back fan-favorite character XS in Season 7. With news that Bart Allen was joining the series soon, fans had already started speculating about what other Allen family members would appear in Season 7. Now they can finally officially add the long-lost Nora West-Allen to that list.
Nora first appeared in Season 4, though she did not reveal who she was until the finale. She was much more prominent in Season 5, as her heroic persona “XS” teamed up with Barry, who also mentored her, as they fought against the Cicada threat. Eventually, she revealed her connections to the future Eobard Thawne, who was helping her learn to use her abilities. In reality, he was using her to break free from prison before his execution date. Nora was erased from the timeline in the Season 5 finale when she and Team Flash managed to defeat the second Cicada and Thawne, though Barry and Iris kept up hope that they would see her again one day.
Now EW confirms that XS will return in Season 7 during the 150th Episode of The Flash. She will be making her return alongside her brother in the series, Bart Allen, a.k.a. “Impulse.” Reportedly, Nora will be back for multiple episodes, likely joining her family to face the looming threats of the season, as well as discuss the traumas she and her parents suffered the last time they were together.

On The Flash, Nora West-Allen is played by Jessica Parker Kennedy. Audiences did not see Kennedy’s character during the sixth season of the series after her death/erasure, and how she can return this season is still a mystery. The other big question is whether she will be the same Nora that Barry and Iris knew before or different since the timeline has changed, erasing her existence.
The Flash bringing back Nora West-Allen is considerable, as the loss of Nora hit Barry and Iris very hard. And considering that fans now know two future children for the couple, it will be interesting to see when the show decides to tackle the subject of Iris getting pregnant in the present. Regardless, the 150th episode promises to be an exciting episode for fans of the series. With the entire Allen family of speedsters now confirmed to be featured and other guest stars from the history of the series all too likely, the episode will be a real milestone celebration.
Originally from https://screenrant.com/flash-season-7-nora-west-allen-xs-return/