The Chase stars Shaun ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Wallace and host Bradley Walsh looked surprised during Monday’s show when a flirty contestant told them they were both “yummy”.
Retired teacher Judi, from Norwich, revealed to Bradley that she hoped to face chaser Shaun because she had a crush on him.
Chatting to Bradley ahead of her cash builder round, Judi said: “I have been learning the ukulele, and recently gave up playing the steel pan, I played it for 25 years.
“I played in the Caribbean and national indoor area, all over the place.”
Astonished, Bradley replied: “Really? Wow! And if you win some money today what would you do with it?”
“I’d like to put down a deposit towards a motor home, a little tiny one,” said Judi.

“They are great,” replied Bradley.
Judi then managed to win £4,000 in her cash builder round, and it was time to face the chaser.
As Shaun walked out, he said: “Hello Judi, you want a motor home do you? Well there’s a taxi waiting outside for you, that’s a motor home.”

Now, Shaun, that’s not a nice yummy thing to say is it? You are yummy. Not as yummy as Bradley, but yummy.
Bradley made shocked noises at Judi’s lusty remarks while Shaun simply smiled back at her.
At the end of the show, Judi was sadly caught by Shaun and even repeated his wrong answer when a question was passed over to her.

Shaun said: “That was a yummy performance well done, but at the end of the day Bradley, its just another day at the office.”
One viewer tweeted: “Yummy?! Did she just say YUMMY?! #TheChase “.
Another added: ““That’s not a yummy thing to say” ewww”.
A third praised Judi’s performance, writing: ” #thechase 14 on your own for the final is soo good. Well done Judi”.
* The Chase airs weekdays on ITV at 5pm
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