Netflix’s Seaspiracy sparks horror from viewers over dolphin and whale slaughter

New documentary Seaspiracy has sparked horror from viewers who witnessed the horrors of the fishing industry in the film.

The Netflix documentary examines the damage done to our ocean environments through human behaviour.

It comes from one of the makers of acclaimed documentary Cowspiracy, filmmaker Ali Tabrizi, who co-directed the 90-minute film alongside Lucy Tabrizi.

Examining the impact of plastics, pollution from the fishing industry, illegal fishing, and brutal hunting practices, the film asks difficult questions about what we are doing to our seas and how this will impact the planet and our future in the long-term.

However, viewers were especially horrified by the treatment of dolphins that the film highlighted.

Netflix viewers have been horrified at practices shown in Seaspiracy
Netflix viewers have been horrified at practices shown in Seaspiracy

In scenes shown from Taiji in the south of Japan, dolphins are shown being driven to a small bay and then slaughtered, with Tabrizi finding that for every one caught, 12 are killed.

This is despite a lack of market for dolphin meat, casting doubt on how “dolphin-friendly” the tuna market is and whether it is to stop their consumption of tuna.

Elsewhere, others were disturbed by the slaughter of whales in another sequence of the film.

The treatment of whales and dolphins shocked viewers
The treatment of whales and dolphins shocked viewers

Taking to social media, one person tweeted: “Dolphins are one of my fave animals and this truly makes me so sad #Seaspiracy “.

A different viewer penned: “My heart hurts for the dolphins, whales and any sea-creatures, it makes me cry #Seaspiracy “.

An advocate for going vegan wrote: “Dolphins are being killed for TUNA?!!!!! Like come on. There is no such thing as dolphin safe tuna. #GoVegan#Seaspiracy “.

Tuna fishing especially became a cause of concern for many viewers
Tuna fishing especially became a cause of concern for many viewers

Meanwhile, a different Seaspiracy viewer commented: “Watched #Seaspiracy last night. & wow. It was a really good film that does ask a lot of questions.

“It’s very powerful. & upsetting with the whale and dolphin killing that takes place around the world[crying emoji].

“Also concludes with an interesting definition of sustainability.”

Elsewhere, another viewer opted for permanent change: “Two scenes I cannot get out of my mind from #seaspiracy : grey farmed salmon flesh, hot dolphin carcasses floating in a sea of blood. Today is the day I am abstaining from seafood, forever.”

The slaughter of a sealife that was shown may have turned some of seafood for life
The slaughter of a sea-life that was shown may have turned some of seafood for life

A fishing boat in action during the documentary
A fishing boat in action during the documentary

Finally, one Seaspiracy viewer concluded: “Genuinely pretty shocked watching #Seaspiracy on #Netflix We all need to think carefully about eating fish.

“I’m shocked to see that many of the labels that claim to guarantee the protection of marine life, such as my favourite dolphins, apparently aren’t doing so!! Shocked”.

*Seaspiracy is available now on Netflix.

Have you watched Seaspiracy? If so, what did you think of the documentary? Let us know in the comments below.

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