Bluey, the hit Australian children’s show, feels like it was intended for people who hate children’s shows. It manages to be engaging for kids while still being entertaining for adults. It never talks down to children, instead portraying a far more loving, albeit realistic family dynamic than most kids’ TV shows.
While it has recently received some criticism for a few sensitivity issues, the series’ pros outweigh its cons. And now that its on Disney+, it has reached people outside of Australia. But which episodes are considered top-tier?
10 Hospital (8.8)

In “Hospital,” Bandit, Bluey and Bingo’s father, wants to play a game with his daughters that involves him not doing anything. Instead of engaging in a game that is laidback, the girls decide to mess with him by playing “Hospital,” which gives Dr. Bluey the ability to torture Bandit without mercy.
Watching Bluey’s dismissiveness towards Bandit’s discomfort whilst occasionally stabbing him with a fake syringe is quite entertaining, At the same time, it is really fun to watch as the doctor’s prognosis goes from mundane to ludicrous.
9 BBQ (9.0)

Most people have been to a family barbeque before, with this episode capturing how soothing they AREN’T. “BBQ” has Bandit’s brother and his family join them for a barbeque on the back deck, which leads to Bluey and Bingo having their own barbeque with their cousins.
Bingo wants to simply relax, but finds herself extremely disheveled as the other children want their imaginary food repeatedly altered. This episode actually features an interesting little cultural change, as the Disney+ version uses the word “pepper” in the place of the far more Australian word “capsicum.”
8 Takeaway (9.1)

Children tend to be rowdy when they get bored, but in this episode, that gets dialed up to one-million. In “Takeaway,” Bandit takes Bluey and Bingo with him to wait outside a Chinese restaurant for carryout. He will go on to regret this decision.
The five-minute wait feels like decades for the kids, which leads to them wreaking havoc on the evening, as well as Bandit’s patience. Fans of Seinfeld may find the premise a bit familiar, but Bluey manages to have fun with a well-known premise.
7 Bingo (9.2)

Though Bluey is the title character, her sister Bingo is pretty much her number two. “Bingo” allows Bingo to take a step into the spotlight, as Bluey is away to play with her friend Chloe. However, while she initially struggles to play by herself, Bandit enters the scene to pose the question “What color are Kiwis?” For those unaware, Kiwi is a term for New Zealanders.
This leads to Bingo putting together a puzzle of the planet to find out, only to find the New Zealand piece to be completely gone, so she starts to put up missing posters for the country. Though the premise isn’t exactly groundbreaking, it is a lot of fun, and giving Bingo her own intro and outro truly cements that this is her time to shine.
6 Dunny (9.3)

Dunny, an Australian term meaning toilet, wouldn’t seem like a subject worthy of a 9.3, but you wouldn’t know it from watching the episode! When Chilli, mother of Bluey and Bingo, bans the word “dunny” because it isn’t something The Queen would say, the girls find themselves unable to comprehend why their mother could take issue with the word.
The 100th episode of the series, “Dunny,” perfectly captures the underhandedness of a child, as the two girls eventually find subtle ways to say the word. Eventually, they poke and prod Chilli to the point that she ends up saying the word.
5 Typewriter (9.5)

In “Typewriter,” Bluey questions a story told by her teacher, which leads to her re-writing it on an old typewriter. Eventually, the typewriter goes missing and she enlists her friends Snickers and Winton to get to the bottom of the problem.
However, they find themselves harassed by a group of hooligans called The Terrier, using their individual skills to get around them when infighting occurs. “Typewriter” was released during the COVID-19 era, with this episode being the only one to even subtly refer to it.
4 Ice Cream (9.6)

One thing that the creative minds behind Bluey are able to in spades is to take a scenario that many would see as mundane and make it entertaining. There are many phenomenal examples of this, but “Ice Cream” is a perfect specimen.
In “Ice Cream,” Bandit buys Bluey and Bingo some ice cream, leading to an argument about one girl licking the other’s ice cream, which slowly becomes direr when the ice cream starts to melt. The episode has many highlights, including when the girls spin around in a circle trying to lick each other’s ice cream while “Waltz of the Flowers” plays in the background.
3 Sleepytime (9.7)

Bluey’s sense of cartoony realism often means that the outlandishness of most of its episodes end up on the cutting room floor. However, “Sleepytime” is the kind of premise that allows for more outrageous visuals, but those which never get in the way of the story.
Another episode that puts Bingo in the spotlight, “Sleepytime” sees Chilli and Bingo read a story about outer space right before bed, which leads to Bingo having a dream where a Galactus-sized Bingo explores the cosmos with her stuffed animal, Floppy. This episode somehow manages to be visual, hilarious, and even sad, all at the same time.
2 Christmas Swim (9.8)

This is season two’s final episode and the series’ second Christmas-themed episode. This episode sees Bluey’s family banding together for Christmas. Bluey’s gift is a stuffed teddy bear by the name of Bartleby, which she quickly becomes attached to.
Unfortunately, the rest of the children play with Bartleby a little bit too roughly for Bluey’s liking, leading to her becoming a lot more protective. What follows shall not be spoiled here, but let it be known that it is just so lovely.
1 Baby Race (9.9)

For parents, watching your children grow up is a really touching, albeit difficult process, with this beautiful episode truly capturing that feeling. “Baby Race” sees Chilli recall a period when Bluey and her friend Judo were babies.
Judo was able to crawl first, but Bluey was able to turn over first, so it became a race to see which of the two babies would be the first to walk. If this touching episode doesn’t make everyone smile, they are straight-up not human.
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