Fed up of shedding tears, Faye Winter will invite bombshell Sam into her bed tonight on Love Island.
But this decision is set to leave fans even more frustrated as they feel the postcard was unfairly manipulated to make it look as though Teddy has been moving on with other girls.
Instead, the kiss was from their ice breaker challenge and Teddy is the only one – other than Jake – to sleep outside and not in a bed with a girl.
This evening, Faye questions her connection with Teddy and decides that she is keen to get to know Sam more.
Faye questions him on the swing seat as she asks him: “Do you want long-term then?”
Sam insists: “Definitely. I’m not settling until I get what I want and I know what I want.”
Faye asks: “What do you want?”
Just as he is about to say what he is looking for, Faye interrupts: “Come back to me later.”
Sam probes her on whether she will be sleeping in his bed tonight, to which she replies: “No, I’m sleeping in my bed. I don’t know who is in my bed. Harry? You’ll have to tell him he’s got to move out.”
Faye decides to end the conversation there and tells him: “It’s been a pleasure. I’ll see you in bed.”
The pair end up sharing a bed together and Sam says the next day: “When I woke up this morning, I was like I did not know I could be in this situation.”
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It comes after furious fans took to Twitter, threatening to complain to Ofcom over the “character assassination” of Teddy.
One tweeted: “My petty a** complained to OFCOM about Faye and Teddy.”
While another commented: “No honestly it’s time to go to ofcom coz they’ve screwed Teddy over so much for no reason and Liam looks almost innocent?? Fuming. #LoveIsland.”
A third fumed: “Nah can we complain to Ofcom because why is teddy being cheated and not Liam? #LoveIsland.”
*Love Island airs tonight at 9pm on ITV2