Corrie fans in hysterics as Sally and Gail have frank sex chat on ITV soap

Coronation Street fans were left in hysterics as Sally Metcalfe and Gail Platt had a frank conservation about sex on the ITV soap last night, as fans called for more comedy from the writers

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Coronation Street: Sally and Gail have frank sex chat

Coronation Street fans were left in hysterics as Sally Metcalfe and Gail Platt had a frank conservation about sex.

Sally (Sally Dynevor) confided in Gail (Helen Worth) about her and her husband’s issues in the bedroom after Tim (Joe Duttine) decided to buy a pill off the internet to help with his erectile dysfunction.

Ahead of his and Sally’s night of passion and trip away, Tim decided to take a blue pill he ordered from the internet, ending up in hospital with what was presumed to be a heart attack following his recent bypass surgery.

Later on in the show, Sally chatted to Gail about the couple’s issues.

Fans were shocked by the frank conversation



“I mean we had to give it a few weeks until we got the all clear from the doctor but then we got dead excited because we got the green light – but then nothing,” she said, “We tried everything – massage, dirty talk, not filth, just sexy chat. And we ran a gamut of role play. Naughty nurse, estate agent, lucky burglar. I wouldn’t mind but nothing happened – it was like it had gone into hibernation.”

Sally then quizzed Gail if it was something she had experienced with her husbands, as Gail replied: “Not Brian or Martin – slowing them down was the problem. Joe was a bit hit and miss but I put that down to the anti-depressants.

Tim has been struggling with erectile dysfunction



“But Richard had a lot of trouble – he used to get very frustrated. I mean I did wonder if that was the root of all his problems.”

However, Sally was less than impressed with Gail’s reply, adding: “Thanks Gail. And there was me thinking the only thing I had to worry about was Tim’s heart. And now you’re suggesting he might go round murdering the neighbours.”

Fans loved the exchange between the pair and said it reminded them of classic Corrie.

“Absolutely classic Corrie tonight. Just as it should be. Sally ´has this ever happened to you’? Gail ´how would that work’? Comic genius! Who do you think we are? The Happy Mondays? Please let this script writer do much more,” one wrote.

The couple have been trying to work through it



A second added: “More of the humour please Corrie this evenings episode was brilliant. You have very good comic actors use them!” as a third shared: “Oh my who ever is writing the scripts lately is doing a brilliant job.

“Laugh out loud moments nearly every episode. Tim and Sally at the hospital just magic.”

“Sally and Gail bringing some much needed fun to Corrie. All we needed was Evelyn overhearing them and joining in,” a fourth added, as a fifth wrote: “Proper LOL moment tonight. Classic Corrie. Fantastic writing and the lines expertly delivered.”

*Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm.

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