The classic coming-of-age television series, The Wonder Years, is officially getting a fresh reboot courtesy of the ABC Network, who recently announced they have greenlit the series. The original series, which starred a young Fred Savage, was a family favorite that first aired in 1988 and continued to run for six seasons until the early ’90s. Following the story of Savage’s teenaged character, Kevin Arnold, the show was narrated by an adult version of Kevin as he reminisced about his life growing up in a suburban neighborhood in the 1960s alongside his best friend, Paul Pfeiffer (Josh Saviano), and his girlfriend, Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar).
The Wonder Years reboot has now officially been ordered to series by ABC, as EW reports. Work on this latest reboot, which will come to focus on the life of a Black, middle-class family living in 1960s Montgomery, Alabama, was originally announced back in 2020 with Monster’s Ball director and creator of Empire, Lee Daniels, set to helm the production. Savage is also set to return to the property as an executive producer and director on the upcoming reboot.
Taking center stage in this latest reinvention is a 12-year-old boy named Dean, played by the up-and-coming Elisha Williams, whilst the show will be narrated by Avengers: Endgame’s Don Cheadle as the adult voice of the same character. Joining Williams is Psych’s Dulé Hill as his father, Saycon Sengbloh (Respect) as his mother, and Laura Kariuki (Black Lightning) as his older sister. Joining Savage as executive producer and lending his writing talents is Saladin Patterson, whose previous credits include Psych, Dave and The Big Bang Theory. The Wonder Years reboot is now set to join ABC’s upcoming Fall line-up, which also includes three new shows: Queens, Maggie, and Abbot Elementary.
Source: EW
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