Coronation Street aired a huge twist on the ITV soap on Sunday night, as Sally Carman’s character Abi Franklin went into labour unaware she was even pregnant
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Corrie: Abi Franklin goes into shock labour
Coronation Street’s Abi Franklin actress Sally Carman has reacted to the huge baby twist that aired on Sunday night.
Abi will be rushed to hospital after initially collapsing in agony at the roadside in a previous episode, after drama with drug dealer Dean.
Fans of the ITV soap were gobsmacked though when Sunday night’s episode ended with Abi realising that she was in labour, declaring she was having a baby.
The character has turned to drugs again following her split from husband Kevin Webster, after he rumbled her recent affair – but he remains unaware it was with Imran Habeeb.
But viewers were left stunned as the character realised the pain she was experiencing was her going into labour, after a surprise pregnancy.
Coronation Street’s Abi Franklin actress Sally Carman has reacted to the huge baby twist
Abi had no idea at all she was pregnant, with actress Sally explaining to The Mirror and other press that there were no signs to suggest she was.
While Abi had feared she was pregnant late last year following the fling, she soon believed she was wrong after having period following the scare.
With there being no physical signs, with no baby bump, it’s only when she experienced the pains that the mother of three realised what was happening.
Abi will be rushed to hospital after initially collapsing in agony at the roadside
Sally explained: “There weren’t any [signs] so she initially had a period after not having any for a while. She thought she could be pregnant but then had a period so was like, ‘Oh I’m not,’ and that’s that.
“Because there has been so much more stuff going on, she’s trying to get her relationship back on track, that’s what has preoccupied her.
“It was pushed to the back of her mind but it did not occur to her that it could possibly be a pregnancy, considering she was having periods again so there weren’t any signs. She did not put weight on, there was just nothing.”
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On the moment Abi realised she was in a dangerous situation, the actress added how it took a while for Abi to realise what was going on.
She explained: “Well this is the brilliant thing about Abi, for all of life’s knocks she’s such a fighter and because she’s got such a big heart, if there’s a grain of hope or a crack of light she will dive for it.
“In this instance when she is on the side of the road after being in a car kidnapping, she’s got two choices and it doesn’t occur to her to lay down and think, ‘this is it.’
Abi had no idea she was pregnant
“She instantly goes fight or flight and she needs to get to the hospital. It’s, ‘I can’t just sit here, I need to get to the hospital’.
“It does take a while before she realises this is what is happening, she’s having a baby, because she thinks it’s back ache or that she’s slept funny, but it’s contractions. Because she’s had three children she’s gone, ‘Oh I know this!’
“But I think there is an element of denial right until the last point, because she’s thinking this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening, it’s a complete surprise.”
Got any theories or thoughts on the storyline? Let us know in the comments section below
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.
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